“I believe that you're great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, there's something that is within you, there's power within you, that's greater than the world. It will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you. It will clothe you. It will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence, if you let it. Now, that is what I know for sure.” ― Michael Beckwith
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ABOUT Andrea Rudolph, LCSW, MSW, MPH, RYT, OIM

MSW, Boston University School of Social Work
MPH, Boston University School of Public Health
Ordained Interfaith Minister (2008),
The New Seminary for Interfaith Studies, NYC, NY
Reiki II training, Total Life Care Center
Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman
Certified Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Instructor
Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator
EFT International/Tapping Practitioner in training (2022-23)
National Association of Social Workers
The Interfaith Temple
New Beginnings in Community (2010-2020)
International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association
Soma Center for Well-Being
Hello, I’m Andrea Rudolph (AKA, Andie). What an honor it is to meet you. I DO believe that “you are great”! Maybe you’re not convinced?
Let me tell you a little about myself and you’ll understand why I know this to be true…
None of us gets through life without challenges, losses, and a desire to be happy and fulfilled. I’m no exception. As a young child, I had many losses and challenges which led me on my own journey to wholeness and inner peace. Because of my experiences and explorations, I know there is a way out of pain and into peace...and that we make our way back and forth between pain and peace over and over again. It's also what inspired me to figure out how to make a positive difference in the world. Following this calling, I pursued traditional and non-traditional training to promote healing and empowerment. During over two decades as a licensed clinical social worker, spiritual counselor, chaplain, and Ordained Interfaith Minister, I have worked with many individuals, couples, families and groups to guide them through challenges to a place of acceptance, well-being and peace of mind. Many of the strategies I share and teach are ones that I use myself.
Bringing a holistic and eclectic style, I offer psychotherapy, soul coaching & counseling, grief support, Reiki, sound healing, life-affirming rituals & ceremonies as well as services, workshops and circles to empower, enhance and inspire sacred growth and celebration. Integrating traditional and non-traditional counseling methods (such as, tapping, guided imagery, relaxation, mindfulness), I combine compassionate, non-judgmental listening with mindful, gentle exploration.
I practice and share a variety of methods that help facilitate self-awareness as well as healing. These methods include: yoga, meditation, positive affirmations, visualization, centered prayer, ritual, spiritual assessment, Reiki (energy healing), intuitive bodywork, tapping, and a variety of forms of creative expression (such as, journaling, vision boards, music and art). In addition to enjoying my private practice as a holistic coach and counselor, I lead chanting circles, workshops, discussion groups, healing circles and services to inspire transformation, spiritual exploration, and empowerment. I've also been blessed to offer life cycle rituals and ceremonies such as, weddings and memorial services.
However and wherever we meet, my intention and commitment is to create a sacred space for self-discovery, healing, transformation, and growth. There is much to learn and discover and it all begins with openness, curiosity and deep self-compassion. Truly, these are the essential ingredients.
I wish you well as you learn to follow your heart and soul’s calling. Please contact me to schedule a free phone consultation.

The journey to peace and wholeness begins when we bring unconditional kindness and consideration to ourselves – especially our pain. In our mind and body-oriented culture, matters of the heart and soul are often neglected or rejected. When we have a loss or significant life challenge, our emotional needs come to the forefront. Since many of us have not been taught how to nurture and heal our hearts and souls, we’re left feeling lost and alone during times when we need love and understanding the most.
Holistic/spiritually-oriented psychotherapy invites you to tune into the wisdom and inner guidance that your heart and soul contain along with your body and mind. By honoring and listening to all facets of your experience as a human and spiritual being, you can heal and create your best self and life then learn to bring that forward to help make the world a better place. A holistic approach invites us to integrate rather than reject the pain and challenges of our collective human existence. It’s about learning to radically accept ourselves and develop a personal “toolbox” to help us navigate life no matter what our experience is and has been.
Whatever your personal beliefs and experiences may be, tapping into inner and outer sources of lovingkindness, compassion, hope and nurturance begins with a willingness and commitment to find yourself and begin healing. At your very core, you are whole, pure and loveable. There are many wise teachings and teachers that confirm and affirm this Truth. Bringing what I know to the forefront (as fits your journey), I act as a guide and companion and gently invite you to bring more light and love to the dark corners of your mind and heart. There’s no pressure or timeline. I only extend an invitation and welcome you to remember who you truly are.
What I do know is that I am continually amazed by the resilience of the human spirit and the power we each have to grow and heal through some of life's most challenging experiences. My belief is that - as we understand our greater soul/life and heart experiences - we can learn to tap into personal wisdom and healing that bring us to acceptance, resilience, peace, and wholeness. Using a holistic perspective, I see wholeness as coming from an awareness and appreciation of the interconnectedness of body, mind, heart and soul as well as our connectedness to the earth and all beings.
My hope, prayer and vision is for every being to live his/her passion and purpose in alignment with the spirit of love, compassion, joy and wholeness. With wholeness comes healing, strength, self-confidence and joy.
I am honored to meet you on this journey we call “Life”.
“Andrea is unusual among the counselors I have seen. She believed I could be whole and happy long before I did. All I felt when I started with her was that I was broken. When I shared some of the pain that was dogging me, she asked what it would look like if that particular issue was not painful to me. I had no answer. I had carried that painful experience for so many years that I could not even think of a life without it. I had come to her hoping for some relief, but never considered that healing that experience was possible. Today, I can answer that question with a smile.” ~Zoe
“You have been a true Godsend to me and I know for sure that I would never have made it through my divorce without your guidance and support. Not every therapist makes a difference but you have made all the difference in the world to me.” ~Laura
“I have had quite a few therapists at different times in my life and each time their approach, training and personalities have been as varied as the results. Andrea is really extraordinary and has the whole package. She is an excellent listener and synthesizes what she hears into the big picture of who you are. She has real deep empathy. She draws upon a wide range of philosophies and training. I realize that she is the right person at the right time for me, but I've had so much movement in such a short amount of time and I attribute it in large part to her skills (and my hard work!).” ~Peggy
"My weekly sessions with Andrea feel like an hour of sanity. I leave feeling grounded and in touch with myself. Andrea is a rare therapist who doesn't bring her ego into the room. She is present, gentle, patient and focused on being there for me. Andrea is exceptional at working with who I am - especially my defenses. She chooses her words with care and awareness, knowing how to frame her comments in ways I can hear them. I have felt validated at a level I've never felt before. As I slowly opened up in our sessions, I've been able to integrate more and more deeply a sense that I am ok." ~Amy