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Ringing out the old year, Bringing in the new

Happy New Year! I hope this finds you well and that the holiday season brought joy and good memories your way. For me, it was an opportunity to reflect on the past year, catch up on some much needed rest and family/friend time, as well as get my mother settled into her new home.

Like many of us, this past year was filled with many lessons for me and was a bit more “chaotic” than I would have chosen. A friend of mind helped me reframe my thinking and leave behind the label of 2016 being a “chaotic and exhausting” year. Ultimately, I can see how much I learned in many different areas – personal, professional and other. With this new perspective, the exhaustion and disdain I held for 2016 have dissolved and I am left with gratitude and hope for the future.

What’s my new perspective on 2016?

I can see how I grew stronger and more resilient in 2016. I can see how my faith and spiritual practices have deepened. I can see how I got more clear and even manifested more of what I want and less of what I don’t want in my life. I am also incredibly grateful that I was able to get my mother situated into a much better, safer living situation.

There were many blessings and miracles hidden within the challenges. It’s only upon reflection that I am able to see them as such. I’m also aware that I’ve gotten better at noticing the hidden blessing and miracle in the “supposed disaster” much more quickly these days. I am grateful for my practices and my faith. They have definitely helped me keep my head afloat.

How can you change your perspective?

A wise person once said: “it’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up.”


“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship”. – Louisa May Alcott

So as we head into 2017, I invite you to reflect on your lessons this year, see how you’ve learned to “sail your ship” and how many times “you’ve gotten back up.” And take a moment or more to take stock of all the big and small miracles and blessings that may have come your way. Perhaps you’ll find that it wasn’t as bad as you thought it was after all.

Suggestions for your own practice:Gratitude is a powerful and simple practice to acceptance, contentment and happiness. Here’s a link to some gratitude practices that may change your life in 2017. May it be so!

Lastly, I will be resuming leading Interfaith/Interspiritual services and chanting on January 29, 2017

May the New Year bring more gratitude, health, peace, joy and well-being to you and yours this New Year.

Sat Nam*,


*Sat Nam means “Truth is my identity”

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